Dotty Studio

기업가정신 & 스타트업, 그리고 기술과 디자인에 대한 곳.

A Question of 'ANY'

Thoughts - 2004. 7. 18. 03:59

Anywho → Anyone
Anywhat → Anything
Anywhen → Anytime
Anywhy → ?

hmm.. wonder why this sort of thing had happened.
댓글을 달아주세요
  1. SangBoy 2004.07.22 18:17 댓글주소 수정/삭제 댓글쓰기

    Those little anormalities makes things far more interesting. (:

    Funny people, the British.

  2. 화섭 2004.09.13 01:56 댓글주소 수정/삭제 댓글쓰기

    the one who, the thing that, the time when, the reason why에서 유추하면
    anywhy -> Any Reason 아닐까? 한단어를 고집한다면 바보짓. 시인에게서 배우자.

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